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April Chinwag and The Monthly “Give it a Go”

The Broadway Campus The Broadway, Dudley, West Midlands, United Kingdom

April Chinwag and The Monthly "Give it a Go" The theme will be - Any Size -Plain / Textured / Decorated Bowl + any other items made by members this month

June Chinwag and The Monthly “Give it a Go”

Online via Zoom

June Chinwag and The Monthly "Give it a Go" The theme will be - Straight or Shaped Box with Freestyle Decorated Lid + any other items made by members this month

July Chinwag and The Monthly “Give it a Go”

Online via Zoom

July Chinwag and The Monthly "Give it a Go" The theme will be - Any Project incorporating Some / All Segment Turning + any other items made by members this month

November Chinwag and The Monthly “Give it a Go”

Online via Zoom

November Chinwag and The Monthly "Give it a Go" The theme will be - Christmas Ornament / Christmas Gonk / Nutcracker/ Snowman + any other items made by members this month