Chinwag 02/24
Online via ZoomChinwag and Chairman's Challenge 01/24 - The theme will be "Platter with decorated Rim 150 to 200 mm in diameter" + any other items made by members this month
Chinwag and Chairman's Challenge 01/24 - The theme will be "Platter with decorated Rim 150 to 200 mm in diameter" + any other items made by members this month
A normal workshop evening where all the lathes will be out. This is an opportunity to learn something new or improve a particular technique, or just have a chat with fellow club members.
Chinwag and Chairman's Challenge 03/24 - The theme will be "Vase with Decorated & or Textured Rim" + any other items made by members this month
Pro Turner demonstration from Bryan Milham (The Village Woodturner) 03/24 Bryan offers 2 projects for his demonstrations Beyond Colour - I've used ceramics to develop enhancements for my woodturning A Tall, thin-stemmed Goblet
The club will be attending the Mary Stevens Hospice Easter Coffee Morning, again this year.
Chinwag and Chairman's Challenge 04/24 - The theme will be "Three Pieces of Fruit (Different woods)" + any other items made by members this month
A normal workshop evening where all the lathes will be out. This is an opportunity to learn something new or improve a particular technique, or just have a chat with fellow club members. On this particular evening, a themed project will be attempted.
Chinwag and Chairman's Challenge 05/24 - The theme will be "Small Pierced Bowl /Platter/Vase / Box /Free Choice" + any other items made by members this month
Demonstration by 2 x Club Turners Barry Fisher & Andy Dore will be splitting the evening with a demonstration from each of them.
Chinwag and Chairman's Challenge 06/24 - The theme will be "Bird Box Large or Small" + any other items made by members this month